
Be at our betting community and learn tips from world's best tipster's daily.


Easy of use, intuitive and community app

Live odds

To get best comparative odds from all sports betting players.

Increase your ROI

To learn from our tipster to make your return of investment increase.

Fun and social

be at our community and get to know each other, to enhance your network.

Be a tipster

Get the position to be a tipster and start earn money.

about us

Use Our App to Manage Everything.

  • Never miss anything – Sometimes it’s difficult to follow the sports information and the latest news, here you can follow the groups and forums from all sports clubs you like.
  • Live score – Instead of using multiple apps to follow the scores and game details, you now have the opportunity to reduce these apps by using our services. All for free.
  • Friends and Community –Just like any community, you can follow, chat and comment any post from friends and other users. Sports have never been more fun than now.
  • Earn money while having fun – No community have given you the opportunity to earn money just by using their platform. With us you can earn money and having fun at the same time. Join the movement! Become a Betville user and start earning money now.
Create profile

Create a profile for easy access and save all your games, favorite sports and teams in the App. Follow the leagues and statistics and start comment and follow other users.

Analysis ROI

When tipsters sharing their tips on sports betting, they will be given a return of investment (ROI) analysis on the progress. With this tool, you can easily see how well their games have been profitable or not. Our system manages everything automatically without a human touch.

Explore the regional tipsters

You can follow how many tipsters you like and copy their games to play just like them or just see how well they are doing in the return of investment on the betting platform.

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Game schedule

With game schedule, you can plan and get notification on the app when your favorite teams will play. You can also see which games will play during one week in advance.

Comparative odds

Many have tried to compare odds on specific games. But now we can give you everything all together. A big community, Comparative odds with lots of partners and betting company’s, statistics and analysis, well known tipsters and a live score service. All for free. And the best part is that you also can earn money from us instead of paying us.

Get Live score

We know how tipsters use different apps and services to manage their habits and playings but we have tried to make it a lot easier by reducing all these apps by using only one: Betville. With us you get the latest Livescore and latest match details from all different leagues in the world.

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